So I've been following the blog of Dirty Footprints Studio. And she's been featuring art journalers over the past month. One a day. And they've all been amazing. She's calling it 30 Journals 30 Days. But there are 31 days in July - so she's added an extra feature where everyone features themselves in their own blog on the 31st. And adds a link to her page.
It's just been so wonderful to watch that now Iwant to participate.
So... here goes -
1. How long have you been Art Journaling? The first Art Journal I ever started was on Jan. 29th. at 8:45pm. (Back in the day when I use to date and time pages.) It was before I ever knew what "art journaling" was. I was given a sketchbook and I tried my hardest to JUST sketch in them, but leaving them "unfinished" really bothered me. I've kept diaries ever since about the 2nd grade. (The spelling is comical.)

This is the first page in the first book.
2. How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life? For a long time working in my journal was my cure. It gave me a safe place to work through some difficult things. It gave me a place to thoughts that I didn't know what to dowith and things I was ashamed of. It worked better than any therapy. Better than any drug.

3. What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials to use? I've always considered myself a recorder more than an artist. I have a compulsive need to keep record whether that be by keeping an art journal, diary, or taking a TON of pictures. So - I really love ANY kind of image transfer. Gel medium, winter green oil, packing tape. I also love just using photos.

4. Who are your favorite Art Journalers? I love them all. I seriously have not come across an artist that has worked in a book that I have not immediately felt some kind of bond to. But there's one specific artist that I adore. Dan Eldon. Not only did he keep an art journal but he's tak
en that step to make a difference in the world. It's a beautiful reminder to me of what art is capable of.

5. What kinds of words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie? Hm. Never been one to give out advice, but I guess just from my experience with it. Don't be afraid. Try everything. This is your safe place. To do, say, write, paint - whatever however you want. And if you don't like it - turn the page. You don't have to show it to anyone. You don't have to ever look at it again. Just by doing - I think there's growth and that's worth the work.

6. Where can we contact you? Ha! Everywhere.